Whether you’re putting together a parenting conference or a women’s retreat, Elsa can help. From practical content on every day topics to drawing people closer to Jesus, Elsa is a knowledgable, warm, and engaging communicator. As you communicate your unique venue, Elsa will tailor the content to your audience.
For information on pricing or availability, please contact Elsa today!
We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). It sounds good, it sounds spiritual – but what does it look like to practically experience the love of God in a way that spurs us to love others? How do we allow ourselves to be connected in authentic relationship to the God of the universe? It’s possible, and it’s life-changing.
Behold, I am doing a new thing… (Isaiah 43:19). Because God is real and because we believe, everything should be different, right? The circumstances, the relationships … so what happens if they’re not? If we struggle and walk uphill and feel weary? There is hope. This retreat helps us live the reality of our belief when life is messy.
To give them a crown of beauty for ashes…(Isaiah 61:3). Each piece of our story has a place in the masterpiece God is fashioning. We don’t have to hide our past or pretend through our present. Learn to weave your past into your present as God crafts your future, and experience joy in the process.
As a single parent for 12 years, Elsa knows the ups and downs of living the single parent life. From parenting fears to financial woes, she lived it all. Elsa has trained single parent leaders and walked alongside hundreds of single parents on their journey. An expert on the Single and Parenting DVD series, she will come alongside your single parents and give them practical tools, as well as hope and humor to navigate their family journey.
An adoptive parent of four littles, Elsa understands the chaos and beauty of adoptive parenting. Elsa and her husband Brian have adopted three children from Haiti and one domestically. One of their littles is high special needs (non-verbal and delayed). Together they’ve become advocates and have lived the reality of trauma-based parenting. Whether it’s a workshop, or a getaway retreat for weary parents, Elsa will offer hope, humor and practical help for the path ahead.
Elsa walked through a divorce at a young age. Through godly counselors and wise pastors, she grew through that heartache to serve and come alongside others. An expert on the DivorceCare curriculum, Elsa offers unique insights in the healing journey. Grounded in biblical truth and compassion, Elsa offers a pathway to healing for the broken.
Elsa has spoken at multiple suicide-prevention events. She has a passion to bring hope to the hurting.
When our priorities seem out of whack, how do we regain our focus? This retreat is perfect for women on the go who need a breath of fresh air and some help eliminating the hurry from their lives.
What are the desires of your heart? Passion, purpose, intimacy, hope, romance. This retreat will offer practical tools to get you there … and humorous anecdotes to amuse you on the way.
Enjoying the good gifts God has given without sabotaging ourselves, guilting each other or overindulging. Celebrate God’s kindness!
It’s easy to say, “I’ll find my value in Christ, I won’t compromise in a dating relationship just to be with someone.” But that statement is much more difficult to live out. Refusing arms that may be unhealthy in order to pursue a relationship with our God is no easy thing — but it can be done!
We don’t have to sweep our broken pieces under the rug. As we set them before him, God will do the most amazing things with our brokenness. This retreat walks through the process — how to help it along, and the things we do to get in the way.
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