Fur ball love

His eyes follow me wherever I go. If I head up the stairs, he is right there beside me. He lays down at my feet as I fold laundry. He jumps onto the bed as I do bedtime with the littles. He is always aware of where I am and what I’m doing. He checks […]

A Birthday Ditty for my Jesus

We love birthdays around our house. We party big. We talk love. During birthday dinners, we always go around the table and share what we love about that person. For Christmas this year, I decided to do that in poem form for Jesus. I read it out loud at our Christmas meal and cried – […]

I’m so stinkin’ offended!

No, not by Santa in Rudolph – although I can agree with the recent news blitz that Santa needed a bit more sugar to sweeten up his sour. And no, not by Charlie Brown – though that single hair on his bald little head does offend my sensibilities – and yes, in seriousness, as a mother […]

A Life in 50 Words.

I’ve been alive 50 years today. These fifty words sum up my wild ride: Decade one (1-10): Innocent, family girl, adventurer, brave, water-skier, cliff-diver, boy crazy, tomboy. Decade two (11-20): Insecure, awkward, foolish, bookworm, boy crazy, biker babe, self-conscious, self-defeating. Decade three (21-30): Married, divorced, mother, broken, lost, found, grace, hope, author, speaker. Decade four […]

I blew it.

I get it wrong. I get it wrong a lot. No, I don’t have a self-esteem issue. I’m not fishing for compliments to build myself up. I’m just telling you the flat out truth. I mess up all the time. Sure, I write about heartwarming parenting moments. I talk about those times I say just […]

Don’t Mess With My Boy!

It happens nearly every time I give the boys a bath. Lovence and Laurentz spend 30 minutes laughing, splashing and playing make believe – Laurentz lines up his plastic animals and squirts them with water, Lovence takes his toy trucks and gives them a thorough washing before driving them up and down the edge of […]

Don’t Say goodbye. A post for the heartbroken.

I saw you today. Your head was bowed, your shoulders slumped, your eyes to the ground. Your backpack looked like it weighted a thousand pounds. You crossed in front of my car at a stoplight – your shuffling steps made me wonder. Is your heart broken? Who hurt you? Why are you so sad? The […]

Child, Look at Me Now!

My children don’t like to look at me when I’m angry with them. It could be for good reason. Maybe the way my hair stands on end or my lips form that thin angry line freaks them out. Or maybe it’s how my dimples disappear and my voice goes all deep and parental. Whatever it […]

Walk on, Laurentz (our beautiful boy)

It was his smile that did me in. From the moment I met him, I was captured. Beautiful eyes, warm smile, toddling steps. I laughed out loud when he toddled through the hallways of the orphanage, giggling and squealing. I cried when he fell asleep on my lap during the orphanage devotions – arms and […]