Never Again!
One would have to be super bitter to create a license plate about relationship woes. I saw it on my drive to school. The license plate itself was personalized to say Nevr Agn and the surrounding plate holder said, “I love being single”. I pulled up to see a man driving with a scowl on […]
So Annoying! Wait, Me?
I felt like I was in a Seinfeld episode. I was in the waiting area of a sporting facility where Savannah takes classes. It’s a small space and there was a relatively large group of parents nestled in nice and close. I pulled out my computer and tried to focus on some writing I needed […]
There’s No Crying at Track Meets!
I’m not one to cry at track meets. But then… So I’m a volunteer assistant track coach for the Landsharks Club – it’s a group of kindergartners through fifth graders, running their little hearts out. I use the word “coach” very loosely. I just stand by the track and use all those pithy coach sayings […]
Side of Bacon with a Touch of Hope
Every community has one. The hometown diner that piles high the pancakes, crisps the bacon and loads the sandwiches full of all that is good and caloric – all for a decent price. I took my mom to our place this last week. Omelets Etc. fills up quickly so I snagged a back booth while […]
If He Could Speak
He doesn’t say it, he can’t say it. But I wish he would. Lovence is non-verbal, and even though we did get him to say “Da-Dee” one or two times a few years back, he’s never said “Mom.” And I long for it. Lovence’s diagnosis is full-mutation Fragile-X syndrome, which means he is non-verbal, intellectually […]
When the Wheels Fall Off
She had only flown three times on her own when the wheels fell off. Literally. I saw the story on the news the other day and couldn’t believe it. A young pilot had just taken off when the wheel fell off the front of her plane. Air Control radioed her with the news. Another pilot […]
Just Another Day
It’s easy to let this day fly by like any other. After all, I have to get Easter eggs ready to hide, small Easter gifts to set by the table, an Easter meal to purchase and prepare to grill. After all, and I say this with all humility, I am quite the grill master. And […]
To Snub or Not to Snub
There was quite a bit of snubbery going on this weekend. Two college teams faced each other in women’s basketball for the national championship. In the game leading up to the championship, Caitlin Clark, a stand-out player, refused to guard someone from the other team. She stayed 10-feet-away and then waved her hand, essentially saying, […]
So I’m a Poopyhead
“YOU ARE A…” I watched as my then three-year-old sifted through her limited vocabulary for the biggest dagger. “POOPYHEAD!” Her little fists were balled up in anger, her face was red and fiery. “You’re just trying to control everything I do!” Said another of my children, as they turned and jerked away from my outstretched […]
Let’s Do This Thing!
We sat at the edge of our seats. With every score we rose as one, the cheers reverberating through the whole building. My mama heart was bursting, Brian’s papa heart was pounding. Local siblings donned makeup and hair-dye to match the team colors. Distant siblings, aunts and uncles, gathered around the livestream as nephews and […]