God Kisses

If we look, we can see him. His love. His touch. Everywhere.


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So I’m a Poopyhead

“YOU ARE A…” I watched as my then three-year-old sifted through her limited vocabulary for the biggest dagger. “POOPYHEAD!” Her little fists were balled up

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Let’s Do This Thing!

We sat at the edge of our seats. With every score we rose as one, the cheers reverberating through the whole building. My mama heart

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He Gets Us – Do We?

I’m not one for soapboxes. After all, the name is fitting – I picture something tall, slippery and easy to fall from… and I envision

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What’s in a Name?

“See ya later Jen!” The instructor called to me at the end of class. Our vivacious aqua extreme instructor has known me for over a

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